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  1. Damian Wayne es el hijo de Bruce Wayne (Batman) y Talia Al´ Ghul. Es el 5to Robin que ha existido en la historia de DC, y tal vez uno de los mas rebeldes despues de Jason Todd (Ex-Robin, ahora Red hood), pero aún siendo uno de ellos, en varios números de Dectective comics, Batman y Robin, y Batman Incorporated muestra una gran relación tipo padre e hijo con su papa, lo cual ademas de ser ...

  2. Damian Wayne est le fils de Batman et de Talia al Ghul. Cela fait de lui l'héritier du plus grand combattant du crime au monde et du plus grand super-vilain, Ra's al Ghul. Damian devint ainsi la cinquième incarnation de Robin et travailla aux côtés de son père en tant que Batman. Damian a été élevé par Talia et la Ligue des ombres, il est devenu un expert en arts martiaux avant même ...

  3. Damian Wayne - Syn Batmana i Talii al Ghul. Wychowywał się pod okiem Ra's al Ghula, pewnego dnia matka wysłała go pod opiekę do ojca, który nie wiedział o jego istnieniu. Od tego czasu Damian zaczął uczyć się czegoś więcej niż zabijania i został piątym Robinem Batmana. Jakiś czas po tym, jak Batman stał się publicznym bohaterem, walczył z Ra's al Ghulem i Ligą Zabójców ...

  4. 15 de nov. de 2021 · Starting over at a new school with a mandate to focus on his grades, Damian learns more than he ever expected when he meets Howard in Jeffrey Brown’s new all ages graphic novel, Batman and Robin and Howard. Star Wars fans are already likely familiar with Brown through books like the bestselling Darth Vader and Son and Jedi Academy, but it’s ...

  5. Talia is unaware that a former servant of Ra's, named White Ghost, plans to use Damian as a shell for the soul of Ra's to return to Earth. This process would, of course, kill Damian. Talia is able to save her son from his fate at the last minute. However, Ra's is still able to return, as a rotting, shambling undead corpse, still needing Damian ...

  6. Talia al Ghul, born as Tal-yahe al Ghul,[3] is the daughter of the immortal world conqueror Ra's al Ghul. She is often an enemy and love interest of Batman and is the mother of his son Damian Wayne, the fifth Robin. While she frequently allies herself with her father's League of Assassins, Talia was also the leader of the organization known as Leviathan until being ousted by Mark Shaw. During ...

  7. 24 de sept. de 2023 · DC's New Batman and Robin Series is Finally Giving Damian Wayne the Growth He Needs. Batman and Robin just revealed a whole new side of Damian Wayne, and it is a sign that the son of the Dark Knight could get a normal life after all. Damian Wayne, despite his divisive nature, is growing and evolving as a character, as seen in Batman and Robin #1.