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  1. DOCTOR FREDERIC CHAUME Laudatio Frederic Chaume es Catedrático de Universidad (Profesor Principal) en la Universitat Jaume I (España) desde 2008, y Catedrático Honorario en la prestigiosa University College London de Reino Unido desde 2013. Antes fue Catedrático Honorario en el Imperial College London de Reino Unido desde 2008 hasta 2013.

  2. 914 Followers, 1,658 Following, 269 Posts - Frédéric Chaume (@parlesvillesleschantiers) on Instagram: "« Embellir la ville et le paysage par le dessin et la gravure » Bourse Recherche Adagp Automne 2023" 914 Followers, 1,658 ... In progress. Voir. Sharing. Poetry. Scénographie. Ventes. Posts.

  3. 29 de nov. de 2013 · Frederic Chaume; Audiovisual Translation: Dubbing is an introductory textbook that provides a solid overview of the world of dubbing and is fundamentally interactive in approach.

  4. 14 de abr. de 2004 · Dr Frederic Chaume Varela received his Ph.D. in translation and interpreting from the Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain). For the past 17 years, ...

  5. Frederic Chaume è professore ordinario di traduzione audiovisiva all'Universitat Jaume I (Spagna), dove insegna teoria della traduzione audiovisiva e traduzione e adattamento per il doppiaggio. E’ Honorary Professor presso UCL, University College London (Regno Unito) ...

  6. Principal Investigator: Frederic Chaume | TRAMA, Translation, Media and Accessibility, is a research group founded in 2004 at Universitat Jaume I. The group makes research in audiovisual ...

  7. Frederic Chaume is a Full Professor of Audiovisual Translation at Universitat Jaume I (Spain), where he teaches audiovisual translation theory and translation and adaptation for dubbing; and Honorary Professor at University College London (UK), where he teaches translation and adaptation for voice-over and dubbing, Universidad Ricardo Palma (Perú) and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas ...

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    frederic chaume varela