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  1. 埃爾文·艾倫·金斯堡(英語: Irwin Allen Ginsberg ,1926年6月3日—1997年4月5日),姓氏也譯作金斯伯格,美國作家、詩人。 他於二十世紀四〇年代在哥倫比亞大學就讀時與威廉·柏洛茲、傑克·凱魯亞克結識,三人成為「垮掉的一代」文學運動的核心。 他抨擊軍國主義、 經濟唯物主義 ( 英語 : Economic ...

  2. 30 de mar. de 2020 · Allen Ginsberg (June 3, 1926 – April 5, 1997) was an American poet and a leading force within the Beat Generation. He sought to write poems as instinctively as possible, leveraging meditation and drugs to fuel his poetic trances. Ginsberg helped break the stranglehold censorship had on mid century American literature and was a prominent ...

  3. Poeta americano, Allen Ginsberg fue una de las figuras claves de la llamada generación beat, junto a otros autores como Jack Kerouac o William Burroughs. Ginsberg destacó en los años 50 y 60 como autor fundamental de la contracultura estadounidense y del movimiento hippie. Apenas estudió un año en Columbia -fue expulsado- donde forjó una ...

  4. Allen Ginsberg was a celebrated 20th-century American poet. He was known for his post-war works, such as the poem ‘Howl,’ which was a groundbreaking piece of work at the time.Ginsberg was involved in a number of social causes throughout his life, advocating for sexual liberation, freedom of expression, and anti-establishment views.

  5. Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’ is one of the best-known and most commonly quoted poems of the 20th century. Written in verse paragraphs, this long free verse poem begins with the famous opening lines: I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, The poem is written in a groundbreaking style that has become ...

  6. Allen Ginsberg (1926–97) Poet. Columbia College 1948. Faculty 1986–87. Quintessential Beat, countercultural prophet, Buddhist-Jewish adventurer, distinguished professor—Ginsberg lived as an irrepressible iconoclast in the mold of William Blake and Walt Whitman. His free verse, often presented in a frenetic stream-of-consciousness, a ...

  7. 4 de jul. de 2011 · Allen Ginsberg was an acclaimed poet and a leading figure of the Beat Generation whose radical literary works and advocacy for social change left an indelible mark on American counterculture. Ginsberg first came to public attention in 1956 with the publication of Howl and Other...

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