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  1. Ying Ruocheng’s Drama Translation. 张璐. Published 2014. Linguistics. Drama, together with fiction, poetry, and prose are four basic genres of literature. Those things played an important part in human civilization. But different from others, dramatic works will be eventually shown on the stage. And for this specific purpose, writing ...

  2. 英若诚(1929.6.21~2003.12.27),满族,正红旗后裔,赫舍里氏,教名思维。. 生于北京。. 翻译家、导演、演员,毕业于清华大学外国语言文学系,曾任文化部副部长等职。. 20世纪40年代末,英若诚参加业余的“骆驼剧团”,并出演了话剧《保罗·莫莱尔》。. 1947年 ...

  3. 31 de dic. de 2003 · Ying Ruocheng was born into a well-to-do Manchu family in Beijing in 1929. His grandfather, Vincentius Ying (Chinese name Ying Lianzhi), joined the 1898 Reform Movement.

  4. Ying Ruocheng was an extraordinary individual, a man of integrity and creativity whose story must be more widely known. Through this brilliant collaborative telling with Claire Conceison, we understand how he inspired so many and we learn how the arts can impact world events. (Ralph Samuelson, Asian Cultural Council)

  5. The Chinese actor and director Ying Ruocheng (1929-2003) was a genuine article, funny, honest, self-aware, not a complainer. He stands as one of the beacons of PRC cultural life. A Manchu, a Catholic, with eminent grandparents and a host of Western friends, Ying nevertheless lived on a knife edge of danger from capricious political winds.

  6. Ying Ruocheng, an admirable artist in China and abroad, was responsible for the translation and production of many foreign plays in China and Chinese plays abroad, with which Ying played an important role in transforming China’s cultural life, encouraging international exchange and promoting modern drama. Based on his experience in drama and film acting and directing as well as translating ...

  7. This paper explores the feasibility of performatives in dramatic dialogue translation, by comparing Ying Ruocheng's English version Teahouse with Howard's. We have found that Ying's version, considered more suitable for performance, better conforms to the rules of the theory of performatives, confirming his recommendation that orality, action ...