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  1. 14 de mar. de 2018 · It is with this in mind that the Works Progress Administration has labored unceasingly this past year at the titanic task of finding jobs for nearly 4,000,000 of the nation’s jobless who were stagnating on relief. How well the aim has been achieved is shown in the latest figures on work relief employment.

  2. The Works Progress Administration was slow in establishing itself, creating a relief gap between the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (1933–35), as it wound down, and the Works Projects Administration (1939–43), as it got under way. By November 1935 ninety-two thousand were at work on federal projects.

  3. The Works Progress Administration. Of all of President Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) is the most famous, because it affected so many people’s lives ...

  4. Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938 contains more than 2,300 first-person accounts of slavery and 500 black-and-white photographs of former slaves. These narratives were collected in the 1930s as part of the Federal Writers' Project (FWP) of the Works Progress Administration, later renamed Work Projects Administration (WPA).

  5. Summary of Federal Art Project of Works Progress Admin. During its years of operation, the government-funded Federal Art Project (FAP) of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) hired hundreds of artists who collectively created more than 100,000 paintings and murals and over 18,000 sculptures to be found in municipal buildings, schools, and hospitals in all of the 48 states.

  6. 大萧条时期,公共事业振兴署资助了包括成人教育在内的许多项目。 公共事业振兴署(英語: Works Progress Administration, WPA )(1935年-1943年),大萧条时期美国总统罗斯福实施新政时期建立的一个政府机构,以助解决当时大规模的失业问题,是新政时期(以及美国歷史上)兴办救济和公共工程的政府 ...

  7. 10 de nov. de 2022 · During the Great Depression, New Deal agencies sought to put people back to work. The Works Progress Administration (established in 1935 and renamed Work Projects Administration in 1939) assumed a dominant role in work relief activities aimed at fighting the depression by providing federal jobs for the unemployed.