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  1. › mundialito_informacion_generalMundialito

    HORAIRES DES JEUX. • Dimanche 28 Mars – 10h à 13h et de 15h à 20h. • Lundi 29 Mars – 15h à 20h. • Mardi 30 Mars– 15h à 20h. • Mercredi 31 Mars – 15h à 20h. • Jeudi 1 Avril – 10h à 13h et de 15h à 20h. • Vendredi 2 avril - 10h à 13h et 15h à 20h. • Samedi 3 avril - 10 h à 12 h Cérémonie de clôture BABY ...

  2. › mundialito_informacion_generalMundialito

    Below you can find all relevant information about inscriptions and registration. If you need more details, you may contact us through the following contact form. Contact. INSCRIPTION. 7vs7 Categories. Players: 12 members. Staff: 2-3 members (adults). 11vs11 Categories. Players: 18 members.

  3. › indexMundialito

    A real world cup. Teams joining us from all around the world, young males and females stars will play the most prestigious youth football tournament. Mundialito World (1.200m2) will be full of special areas that you can’t miss, including the official Museum, playground, bars and more!

  4. › homeMundialito

    Welcome. Welcome to Mundialito, the theatre of dreams where the most important football players around the world have participated. One more year, we invite you to participate in the biggest Children’ International Football Tournament in the world, with more than 300 teams and almost 5.000 participants from 50 countries of the 5 continents.

  5. › mundialito_informacion_generalMundialito

    REGISTRO DE PARTICIPACIÓN DE LOS CLUBES Para realizar el registro en la página web, el responsable del equipo debe entrar en el apartado "REGISTRO" y completar todos los datos solicitados, conservando siempre su NOMBRE DE USUARIO Y CLAVE, los cuales utilizará posteriormente para poder acceder a los diferentes apartados una vez queden regularizados los pagos de inscripción y participación.

  6. LIVE IN HONG KONGLive at On & On Theatre Workshop, Hong Kong 2005.09.17Track 5Colour Adjusted by 一小日Notre EchecLyrics : Junko NishimuraMusic : 森田童子(OT : ぼくたち...

  7. › fifaplus › enSearch - FIFA

    They think its all over! They think its all over!