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  1. 7 de nov. de 2019 · American Gothic has become so famous as an image that many people don’t realize that it actually was—and still is—a painting. In their minds, it is no longer an object. In some ways, the idea of an original has become degraded in our digital era. And so what I often try to re-instill in people’s minds is that this is an actual painting ...

  2. 28 de jun. de 2021 · American Gothic é uma das pinturas americanas mais conhecidas dentro e fora dos Estados Unidos. Essa obra foi confeccionada pelo artista Grant Wood, um americano que nasceu no ano de 1891, fazendo parte de um movimento artístico puramente norte-americano chamado de regionalismo americano. Assim como Thomas Hart Benton, Grant Wood era um artista que retratava…

  3. In 1930, when Grant Wood completed American Gothic and submitted the painting to the annual exhibition of American painting and sculpture at the Art Institute of Chicago, he was a shy and barely-known artist from Iowa, USA. He could have never imagined that he would win the Bronze Medal along with a substantial prize in cash. But, most of all, he could have never anticipated that his ...

  4. American Gothic, often understood as a satirical comment on the midwestern character, quickly became one of America’s most famous paintings and is now firmly entrenched in the nation’s popular culture. Yet Wood intended it to be a positive statement about rural American values, ...

  5. American Gothic är en målning från 1930 av den amerikanske konstnären Grant Wood (1891–1942) som tillhör samlingarna på Art Institute of Chicago. [1] Grant Woods inspiration till målningen kom från ett lantligt hus i Iowa och beslutet att måla tavlan kom med tanken på "de slags människor jag tänkte kunde bo i huset".

  6. 7 de oct. de 2018 · Di fronte a opere come American Gothic di Grant Wood è spesso difficile scrivere una critica oggettiva, stilistica e prettamente iconografica senza lasciarsi trasportare dalle numerose suggestioni contemporanee e spesso poco pertinenti che arricchiscono il mito che vive intorno ai capolavori della storia dell’arte.. Nata (forse) come un’innocente rappresentazione di una scena di genere e ...

  7. African American photographer Gordon Parks spent his youth in Minnesota and later became prominent in documentary journalism from the 1940s through 1970s, focusing on issues of civil rights and poverty. A year-long fellowship with the Information Division of the Farm Security Administration in 1942 supported his work documenting black lives in Washington, D.C. He later said of this photograph ...

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    American Gothic art
    American Gothic paint
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