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  1. How to Care for Lantana. Here are some tips for caring for lantana: Watering: Lantana is drought-tolerant, but it still needs to be watered regularly until it establishes.After that, water it only during prolonged dry periods. Fertilizing: Lantanas generally do not require frequent fertilization.However, if you want to promote healthy growth and blooming, you can apply a slow-release, balanced ...

  2. 4 de oct. de 2023 · Características de la lantana. La lantana es una planta de exterior con flor originaria de América tropical y subtropical. Es un arbusto que puede crecer hasta alcanzar una altura de 30 cm a 1,5 metros, dependiendo de la variedad y las condiciones de cultivo. Tiene una forma redondeada o extendida, con ramas leñosas y algo flexibles.

  3. Lantana was first declared noxious around 1920 and by the 1950s it had spread over more than 1600 kilometres of the eastern Australian coastline. In 2006, the invasion, establishment and spread of lantana was listed as a key threatening process by the NSW Scientific Committee. It thrives in warm environments with high rainfall where the weed ...

  4. Lantana camara is a heavily branched shrub that can grow in compact clumps, dense thickets or as a climbing vine. The stems are square in cross section, with small, recurved prickles. Most leaves are about 6 cm long and are covered in fine hairs. They are bright green above, paler beneath and have round-toothed edges.

  5. Lantana camara, comúnmente conocida como lantana amarilla, lantana blanca, lantana lila, lantana tricolor es una especie del género lantana. Nativa de las regiones tropicales de Sudamérica y América Central. Morfología de la lantana. Tiene un porte arbustivo muy ramificado, oloroso, alcanza 50-150 cm de altura y es de crecimiento rápido.

  6. 19 de ago. de 2021 · The two types of lantana commonly grown in cultivated landscapes are Trailing lantana, Mounding lantana. Trailing lantana grows 18 to 24 inches tall with a spread of up to 4 feet. Shrub lantana grows up to 4 feet tall with a spread of 1 to 3 feet. Both types perform best in full sun and need moist, well-drained soil.

  7. Lantana attract every kind of pollinator. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds all love it. It is in bloom even late in the season when many other flowers are calling it quits. This longevity puts it into the top tier for supporting pollinators. Watch as the hummingbirds come calling when its clusters of tubular flowers are on display.

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