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  1. Gentleman ofRioen Medio. ByJUANA. A.. SEDILLO, IT TOOKmonths of negotia.tion to come to an understanding withthe old man. He"tas in no hurry. What he had the most of was time. He lived up in Rio en Medio, where his people had been for hundreds of years. He tilled the sarne land theyhad tilled.

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  3. La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo (CNUMAD), también conocida como la 'Cumbre para la Tierra', se celebró en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, del 3 al 14 de ...

  4. La Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo, Habiéndose reunido en Río de Janeiro del 3 al 14 de junio de 1992, Reafirmando la Declaración de la Conferencia de ...

  5. Introduction. Gentleman of Rio en Medio is a short story written by Juan A.A. Sedillo about Americans who want to buy a piece of land in Mexico. The owner refuses the extra amount of money offered to him. The Americans than are disturbed by children who come to play in the orchard to which the Americans are forced to buy the trees too.

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