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  1. 25 de nov. de 2019 · I don't know why I read Atty's mom's voice in a thick scottish accent. MaximumCarnage • 10 months ago. "Kids who didn't get this opportunity would kill for this!" Mom, literally no one doesn't have this opportunity now. A webcomic Pokemon parody by H0lyhandgrenade.

  2. Mokepon Elige tu ataque: Mucha suerte. Reiniciar. 0

  3. platzi-mokepon.vercel.appMokepon

    ️ ️ ️. ️ ️ ️

  4. Aquí hubo un pequeño corte y apareció la regla box-sizing: content-box; de la nada. Y tienes que tener en cuenta que el valor de border-box en el box-sizing hace que el padding y el border pasen a formar parte del cálculo del width de la caja y no lo suman posteriormente. de manera que el width total del elemento con la clase .tarjeta-de-mokepon sin esa regla sería 200 (180 de width + 20 ...

  5. This is a list of characters in Mokepon, all of them happily ready to deconstruct the source material. The protagonist of Mokepon. An apathetic young man, kicked out of his house by mom, who just wants him to have a Pokemon adventure, dammit. Somewhat reluctantly, he begins his journey with his Pokemon, "Dragonthing". Anti-Hero: Type I; he really doesn't give a damn about the world around him ...

  6. Agua Fuego 🔥 Tierra ⛰️. reiniciar juego

  7. This is a list of characters in Mokepon, all of them happily ready to deconstruct the source material. Trainers Atticus Brent Our protagonist. An apathetic young man, Atticus is kicked out of his house by his mum at the start of the story, …

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