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  1. 9 de ene. de 2024 · The Silk Road Map. The Silk Road was a collection of routes that sent goods throughout Asia, the Middle East, East Africa, and Europe. Marco Polo was an Italian explorer who traveled with his family across Asia. The family left home in 1271 C.E. and arrived at Xanadu, the summer palace of the Chinese emperor, Kublai Khan, in 1275.

  2. The Silk Road, commonly known as the first global trade route in history, had a scope and importance far greater than the simple exchange of goods. Indeed, the myriad of interconnected routes served as a vehicle for the fruitful exchange of arts, religion, cultures, ideas and technology. Many important developments, in fields ranging from ...

  3. Ross William Ulbricht (27 de marzo de 1984) es un estadounidense que creó Silk Road, un mercado de la darknet que funcionó hasta su arresto en 2013. Utilizaba el seudónimo de Dread Pirate Roberts (un personaje de ficción). [1] [2] Ulbricht fue condenado por blanqueo de capitales, hackeo de ordenadores y conspiración por tráfico de narcóticos en febrero de 2015.

  4. シルクロードの主要なルート(1世紀ごろ) シルクロードの主要なルート(1世紀ごろ) シルクロード(絹の道、英語: Silk Road, ドイツ語: Seidenstraße, 繁体字中国語: 絲綢之路, 簡体字中国語: 丝绸之路 )は、紀元前2世紀から15世紀半ばまで活躍したユーラシア大陸の交易路網である 。

  5. Silk road (nom anglophone de la route de la soie) est un marché noir du Darknet qui a pour particularité d'utiliser le réseau Tor pour assurer l'anonymat à la fois des acheteurs et des vendeurs, dans le cadre de vente de produits illicites, notamment des stupéfiants . Une première version du site a été fermée par le FBI en octobre 2013 ...

  6. The Great Silk Road is a system of caravan routes of ancient times and in the Middle Ages which connected Asia with the Mediterranean and European world. These routes highly influenced the development of trade interactions and cultural ties between the West and the East. The Silk Road served not only as route for exporting goods such as silk, spices, precious metals, minerals handicrafts ...

  7. 29 de oct. de 2023 · The Silk Road was an extensive network of ancient trade routes that connected East Asia with the Mediterranean world, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures. It played a crucial role in the growth and development of trade in ancient India, as it provided a vital link between the Indian subcontinent and other regions.

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