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  1. Heinz bodies. Howell jolly bodies. Inclusions within red blood cells composed of denatured hemoglobin. They are formed as a result of oxidative damage or mutations (i.e G6PD) Macrophages in the spleen remove the denatured hemoglobin giving rise to the classic “bite cells” (see below) Nuclear (basophilic) inclusions within RBCs.

  2. 15 de nov. de 2023 · Los cuerpos de Heinz son granulaciones o inclusiones patológicas que aparecen en la periferia de los glóbulos rojos o eritrocitos.

  3. G6PD deficiency is commonly associated with bite and blister cells. Oxidized hemoglobins become denatured and form heinz bodies within the red blood cells. These heinz bodies can be removed by splenic macrophages through a “pitting” mechanism, which results in the formation of bite and blister cells. 1

  4. 6 de oct. de 2017 · Heinz-lichaampjes – of ‘Heinz-bodies’ – zijn donkere verkleuringen in rode bloedcellen die worden veroorzaakt door klontering van afgebroken hemoglobine. Heinz-lichaampjes zijn genoemd naar de onderzoeker die de lichaampjes in 1890 voor het eerst beschreef.

  5. › es › thsDeCS -

    Inclusiones intracelulares anormales, compuestas por hemoglobina desnaturalizada, que se encuentran en la membrana de los eritrocitos. Se observan en las talasemias, enzimopatías, hemoglobinopatías y después de la esplenectomía. Término preferido. Cuerpos de Heinz.

  6. 15 de feb. de 2021 · Red blood cell inclusion bodies are pieces of stainable material within red blood cells, mainly due to retained remnants of cellular components.

  7. A recently published case had similar features. 3 Inclusion bodies (Heinz bodies) are present in 1-2% of the red blood cells before splenectomy, but after spleen removal, they raise to 30-40%.