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  1. The Social Contract, originally published as On the Social Contract; or, Principles of Political Right (French: Du contrat social; ou, Principes du droit politique), is a 1762 French-language book by the Genevan philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau.The book theorizes about how to establish legitimate authority in a political community, that is, one compatible with individual freedom, in the face ...

  2. 12 de dic. de 2023 · Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) fue un filósofo suizo cuya obra alabó y criticó el movimiento de la Ilustración. Aunque creía en el poder de la razón, la ciencia y las artes, Rousseau estaba convencido de que una cultura floreciente ocultaba una sociedad llena de desigualdades e injusticias. Sus obras más destacadas son el Primer Discurso, el Segundo Discurso, El contrato social y Emilio.

  3. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, el filósofo suizo del siglo XVIII, fue un hombre cuya pluma desafió los cimientos de la sociedad y dejó una profunda huella en el pensamiento filosófico y político. Su vasta producción literaria abarcó una amplia gama de temas, desde la educación y la política hasta la moral y la naturaleza humana.

  4. 26 de feb. de 2020 · Jean-Jacques Rousseau (b. 1712–d. 1778) is one of the most influential figures of the 18th century and French Enlightenment period, As a philosopher (though he himself claimed he did not embrace that label for himself), his works broach topics in ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of education.

  5. 27 de sept. de 2010 · Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born in the independent Calvinist city-state of Geneva in 1712, the son of Isaac Rousseau, a watchmaker, and Suzanne Bernard. Rousseau’s mother died nine days after his birth, with the consequence that Rousseau was raised and educated by his father until the age of ten. Isaac Rousseau was one of the small minority of ...

  6. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Genève, 28 juni 1712 – Ermenonville, 2 juli 1778) was een baanbrekend filosoof en schrijver. Hij heeft invloed uitgeoefend op de literatuur, pedagogiek en politiek. Rousseau was behalve filosoof en pedagoog ook componist.

  7. 12 de dic. de 2023 · Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778) was a Swiss philosopher whose work both praised and criticised the Enlightenment movement. Although a believer in the power of reason, science, and the arts, Rousseau was convinced that a flourishing culture hid a society full of inequalities and injustices. His most noted works include the First and Second Discourse, The Social Contract, and Émile.

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