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  1. Joseph Conrad (egl. Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski; født 3. december 1857, død 3. august 1924) var en polsk forfatter, der af mange kritikere anses for en af de største engelsksprogede forfattere – hvilket er bemærkelsesværdigt, da han ikke lærte at tale engelsk flydende, før han var i tyverne (og da altid med polsk accent).. Conrads prosastil anses for mesterlig.

  2. Biografía de Joseph Conrad. Jósef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski o Joseph Conrad nació en Berdichev, un pueblo localizado en Polonia un 3 de diciembre del año 1857.Su madre se llamó Ewa Bobrowska y su padre Apolo Nalecz Korzeniowski, quien además de ser un crítico literario, escritor y traductor era un ferviente patriota que había participado de la organización de un comité que lideró ...

  3. Joseph Conrad (de nombre real Jósef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) nació el 3 de diciembre del año 1857 en la población de Berdichev, ubicada en la región de Podolia, Ucrania. Era hijo único de un matrimonio perteneciente a la nobleza polaca que se trasladó en 1861 a Varsovia. Apollo Korzeniowski, su padre, era traductor, crítico literario ...

  4. Joseph Conrad - Novels, Sea, Adventure: Back in London in the summer of 1889, Conrad took rooms near the Thames and, while waiting for a command, began to write Almayer’s Folly. The task was interrupted by the strangest and probably the most important of his adventures. As a child in Poland, he had stuck his finger on the centre of the map of Africa and said, “When I grow up I shall go ...

  5. Joseph Conrad (born Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski) was a Polish-born English novelist who today is most famous for Heart of Darkness, his fictionalized account of Colonial Africa. Conrad left his native Poland in his middle teens to avoid conscription into the Russian Army. He joined the French Merchant Marine and briefly employed himself as a wartime gunrunner.

  6. Joseph Conrad bibliography. The works of Joseph Conrad encompass novels, short stories, nonfiction, and memoirs. Although he was born in Poland and spoke Polish and French fluently from childhood, he wrote in English, which he did not learn until his twenties. Philosopher Wincenty Lutosławski recalled Conrad explaining this, saying "I value ...

  7. Joseph Conrad sa narodil 3. decembra roku 1857 v dnes ukrajinskom meste Berdičev. Pochádzal z poľskej zemanskej rodiny s tradíciou vlasteneckého odboja proti cárskemu panstvu. Jeho otec, Apollo Korzeniowski, bol romantický básnik a vlastenec, ktorého kvôli príprave národného povstania väznili a potom poslali do vyhnanstva do ...

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