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  1. Detroit é a cidade mais populosa e mais famosa do estado estadunidense de Michigan. É a sede do condado de Wayne.Situa-se entre os lagos St. Clair e Erie.. Segundo o censo nacional de 2020, [2], a cidade propriamente dita tem mais de 639 mil habitantes.Já a região metropolitana possui aproximadamente 4,4 milhões de moradores — não contando a cidade de Windsor, no Canadá, localizada ...

  2. Detroit belvárosának légifotója A Renaissance Center, a General Motors székhelye, Michigan állam legmagasabb épülete A Woodward Avenue 1942 júliusában Egy a több mint tízezer üresen álló épületből A Michigan Central Station állomás elhagyatott és omladozó belseje. Detroit (angol kiejtés: [dɪˈtrɔɪt], helyi kiejtés: [ˈdiːtrɔɪt]) az Egyesült Államok Michigan ...

  3. 31 de ene. de 2022 · The sprawling Detroit Institute of Arts is a great place to get lost for an afternoon. First thing to do is step into the sky-lit hall where Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry surrounds you on 27 panels. He's the city's original muralist, and his whopping work tells Detroit's blue-collar labor history in vivid color.

  4. Detroit is de grootste stad in de Amerikaanse staat Michigan, en qua inwonertal de 18e stad van de Verenigde Staten. Het is niet de hoofdstad van Michigan, dat is Lansing. De stad bevindt zich in Wayne County, aan de oevers van de rivier de Detroit tussen het Eriemeer en Saint Clairmeer, tegenover de stad Windsor in Canada.

  5. Detroit is a major metropolis in the US state of Michigan that has had a profound impact on the world. From the advent of the automotive assembly line to the Motown sound, modern techno and rock music, Detroit continues to shape both American and global culture.The city has seen many of its historic buildings renovated, and is bustling with new developments and attractions that complement its ...

  6. Detroit znajduje się na północ i zachód od rzeki. Detroit (wym. [ d ɨ ˈ t r ɔ ɪ t ]; z fr. cieśnina) – miasto w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanie Michigan na północnym brzegu rzeki Detroit łączącej jeziora St. Clair i Erie . Detroit, 2014. Na południu sąsiaduje z kanadyjskim miastem Windsor w prowincji Ontario .

  7. Metro Detroit is a major metropolitan area in the U.S. state of Michigan, consisting of the city of Detroit and over 200 municipalities in the surrounding area with its largest employer being Oakland County. There are varied definitions of the area, including the official statistical areas designated by the Office of Management and Budget, a federal agency of the United States.

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