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  1. Hace 17 horas · By Lisa Zengarini. Leaders of the major world religions are gathered in the Japanese city of Hiroshima this week to reaffirm their commitment to making sure that artificial intelligence (AI) is developed ethically and responsibly for peace. Titled “AI Ethics for Peace: World Religions commit to the Rome Call”, the two-day forum is co ...

  2. Hace 17 horas · Between Naples and Rome. 9 Jul 2024, 4:57 pm. I have 6 nights booked in Naples in late October. I'm pretty confident I will enjoy 6 nights there but if, for argument sake, I feel it's time to move on before that (my hotel is cheap so don't mind eating a night or two) would you have any suggestions for places to spend a night or two that is not ...

  3. Hace 17 horas · Strijd tegen Italiaanse maffia: Politie neemt 130 miljoen euro in beslag bij witwaspraktijken in Rome . De Italiaanse politie heeft meer dan 130 miljoen euro in beslag genomen tijdens een razzia ...

  4. Hace 17 horas · Rome celebrates the largest and most numerous sports event ever hosted! 6,100 athletes from 110 countries and 5 continents; 2,500 companions and officials; 300 game tables and 200 referees, with an...

  5. Hace 17 horas · In a large-scale raid against the mafia and its finances in Rome, 18 people have been arrested, 131 million euros confiscated and three companies ...

  6. Hace 17 horas · Rome, known as the "Eternal City," is a prime example of a modern city built on ancient ruins. Founded in 753 BCE, Rome was the heart of the Roman Empire and is home to countless ancient ...

  7. Hace 17 horas · Pour l’édition 2024 de sa création éphémère estivale, Jyc a choisi un nouvel épouvantail en bordure de son jardin en bordure de la rivière Muse à deux encablures du pont de Saint-Hippolyte desservie par la D96. Un site calme et reposant, particulièrement apprécié par les nombreux cyclistes partis de Millau en direction

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