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  1. However, Ultron managed to easily best the Avengers with his overwhelming power, killing Captain America, Thor and Hulk while wounding Iron Man. Ultron defeats the Avengers Iron Man attempted to reason with Ultron, saying that he built him for peace, though Ultron rebuked his creator, telling him that his plan was evolution and that his failure to see the distinction meant he must die.

  2. Ultron took over the machines that performed upkeep on the Iron Legion drones and created a damaged body to inhabit as he introduced himself to the Avengers, Maria Hill, and James Rhodes. After calling the Avengers killers and monsters, Ultron sent more complete Iron Legion bots after them. While they fought, one made off with Loki's Scepter.

  3. Ultrón critica las intenciones de los Vengadores. Tras estas declaraciones, Ultrón invocó a la Legión de Hierro en un intento por eliminar a los héroes. Ultrón observó desde su cuerpo principal el asalto, mientras uno de los droides de la Legión de Hierro se llevaba el Cetro, y evitó que un droide asesine a Helen Cho, ya que planeaba usarla a ella más adelante para crearle un cuerpo ...

  4. You will tear them apart. From the inside.Ultron to Wanda Maximoff Ultron was a self-aware, self-teaching, artificial intelligence created and programmed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner from the Ultron Program and the use of the Chitauri Scepter as part of a peacekeeping force intended to help out the Avengers. Ultron concludes that the only way to ensure peace on Earth is through mankind's ...

  5. The Battle of Sokovia[3] was a major battle between the Avengers and Ultron in Novi Grad, Sokovia. Convinced that humanity was the greatest threat to peace on Earth, Ultron planned to commit global genocide by creating a device that would lift the city of Novi Grad skyward and cause it to recreate a meteoric impact when it crashed into Earth. The actions of the Avengers, however, resulted in ...

  6. 30 de abr. de 2015 · Avengers: Age of Ultron. Marvel Studios presenta Avengers: Era de Ultrón, la epopeya que continúa la película más grande de superhéroes de todos los tiempos. Cuando Tony Stark intenta impulsar un programa de mantenimiento de la paz en estado latente, las cosas van mal y los héroes más poderosos de la Tierra, incluyendo Iron Man, Capitán ...

  7. Ultron attacks and seemingly destroys J.A.R.V.I.S. before building itself a body using damaged parts of the Iron Legion. The party has since wound down, and only the Avengers, Maria Hill, James Rhodes, and Doctor Cho remain. They entertain themselves by taking turns trying to lift Thor's hammer Mjolnir.

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