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  1. Item #: SCP-871 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Each recurrence of SCP-871 is to be maintained within a separate, locked concrete cell on a metal platter permanently affixed to the surface of an immovable wooden table. Each cell housing a recurrence of SCP-871 is to be monitored on a 24-hour basis via closed-circuit camera, with individual feeds checked every 15 minutes.

  2. 22 de sept. de 2023 · This wiki is dedicated for the ROBLOX game "SCP: The Red Lake", which was developed by yuji071, Rynhex, and Homboor. In-game, players must defend the generator against hordes of monsters using unique operatives and weapons to help increase their odds. This wiki is unofficial and entirely fan-made.

  3. 7 de may. de 2023 · previous stickman animation:nabnab vs slow seline josh vs devil banban dancing lady htt...

  4. scp 096 breaches containment and runs into a nearby forest where he encounters... the rake. #therake #scp096 #deathbattle #whowouldwin #drawingcartoons2 #scp...

  5. The Rake has also been referenced in popular television shows such as “Supernatural” and “American Horror Story”, further cementing its place in popular culture. Games The Rake has also made appearances in various video games, including “Slender: The Arrival” and “SCP – Containment Breach”.

  6. deathbattlefanon. The Rake began as a collaborative project online, as many creepypasta characters do, when one user posted on 4chan’s /b/ board inviting others to contribute details for physical attributes and habits to help make a new monster. Photoshopped images of the Rake were created and details of the monster’s identity were tracked ...

  7. The estimated area of SCP-4664's effect (Right). Special Containment Procedures: The perimeter of SCP-4664’s area of effect is to be heavily guarded by STF-Alpha-15 (”Catch & Release”) piloting armed Foundation vessels. All scientific teams previously stationed on these islands have been relocated and amnestized after experiencing SCP-4664-1.