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  1. 21 de sept. de 2016 · Origin and Etymology: Its first appearance dates back to 1785 in Francis Grose's work, A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Someone standing on a bucket preparing to hang themselves, would then kick the bucket in order to commit suicide. According to an archaic use, the term " bucket " identified the beam from which pigs were hung ...

  2. Click any word to translate. ‘Kick the bucket’ is a very old English expression which means to die. A ‘bucket list’ is a list of things that you want to do before you die. It’s now a common English expression, but it’s very new. In 2007, the movie Bucket List, starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, popularized the idiom.

  3. 3 de ene. de 2017 · The phrase to kick the bucket means to die—synonym: to pop one’s clogs. What is nowadays considered a folk etymology may well be the true origin: to kick the bucket quite possibly refers to suicide by hanging after standing on an upturned bucket. For example, the following was published in Jackson’s Oxford Journal of 27th September 1788:

  4. 21 de may. de 2021 · 由来は少しおそろしくて、首つり自殺をするときにバケツ(bucket)の上に乗り、それを蹴っ飛ばすというイメージとされています(諸説あります)。 また、生きているあいだにやっておきたいことを「bucket list」と言ったりもします。

  5. 17 de jun. de 2023 · 英語イディオム「kick the bucket」は「死ぬ、くたばる」意味です。語源はその昔、絞首刑の際に囚人をバケツの上に立たせて、首に縄を掛けた状態で、乗っかったバケツを蹴って刑を執行したところにある、とされています。

  6. 31 de mar. de 2023 · 出典:映画『The Bucket List 』予告編 家族のために45年間自動車工で働いてきたカーター(モーガン・フリーマン)は、ある日病院からの電話で、自分が病気だということを知る。

  7. A bucket list is a list of experiences one wants to have before they die. It comes from the phrase “kick the bucket”, which means to die. So, it’s a list of things we want to do before we kick the bucket. Often, a bucket list includes big dreams, aspirations, travel, and fun things we’d like to experience in our lives.Given that engaging in positive activities is good for our well ...