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  1. Deathstroke [1] es el décimo octavo episodio de la segunda temporada y cuadragésimo primer episodio a lo largo de la serie estadounidense de drama y ciencia ficción, Arrow. ... Isabel Rochev y Laurel Lance se convierten en la decimoquinta y decimosexta persona conocida en estar al tanto de la verdadera identidad de Arrow, ...

  2. 5 de nov. de 2021 · Everyone knows Dick's greatest fear is to become Batman. He actively works to step out from under the Dark Knight's shadow, carving a persona of his own that stands in stark contrast to Batman. Indeed, Nightwing learned many things from Batman, but he's terrified of becoming him. Dick's fears explain his enduring animosity towards Deathstroke.

  3. "This mask, it's my operational equivalent to a balaclava. My partner and I wore them to keep our identities classified during our missions." —Slade Wilson on the mask used by him and Billy Wintergreen[src] The Deathstroke suits are a series of protective suits designed to be utilized by Slade Wilson as Deathstroke, as well as his partner Billy Wintergreen. In 2019, Grant Wilson designed his ...

  4. Originally a soldier in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, Slade Wilson was part of an experimental super-soldier program where he gained enhanced strength, agility, healing factor and intelligence. Deathstroke became a mercenary soon after the experiment and rapidly gained a reputation as one of the world's greatest assassins. Following his defeat and incarceration at the hands of Batman ...

  5. 13 de ene. de 2018 · He took on the persona Ravager, allowing H.I.V.E. scientists to give him powers identical to Slade’s. Grant ended up passing away in his fathers arms. Bent on taking out the Teen Titans permanently, Deathstroke warned his son that his powers were unstable. Grant refused to listen, wanting to be just like Slade or better.

  6. Deathstroke the Terminator, more often referred to as simply Deathstroke, is a villain published by DC Comics. First appearing in New Teen Titans #2, Slade Wilson is a former soldier turned mercenary and assassin hired by those who can bid the highest. He is often considered an enemy of the Teen Titans and Dick Grayson's arch-nemesis. However, Deathstroke has often encountered Batman either ...

  7. 18 de nov. de 2023 · Deathstroke The Terminator is the arch nemesis of Green Arrow in Arrow, and one of DC Universe's most dangerous foes. Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke, has a tragic backstory and is a formidable ...