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  1. Bartemius 'Barty' Crouch Sr. fu un mago purosangue padre di Bartemius Crouch Jr. e importante esponente del Ministero della Magia britannico. Presso il Ministero fu infatti Direttore dell'Ufficio Applicazione della Legge sulla Magia durante la Prima Guerra dei Maghi guidando le inchieste per trovare e condannare molti Mangiamorte dopo la caduta di Lord Voldemort. La vita di Crouch cambiò ...

  2. Barty Crouch was a stiff, upright, elderly man, dressed in an impeccably crisp suit and tie. The parting in his short grey hair was almost unnaturally straight and his narrow toothbrush moustache looked as though he trimmed it using a slide-rule. His shoes were very highly polished.Description. Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Senior (d. 24 May, 1995) was an influential Ministry of Magic official ...

  3. I think they'll find they're missing a prisoner. Barty Crouch Junior : [gloating] I'll be welcomed back like a hero! Dumbledore : Perhaps. Personally, I've never had much time for heroes. Barty Crouch Junior : [casting the Dark Mark into the night sky] Morsmordre! Barty Crouch Junior : [the Dark Mark on his arm is burning] You know what this ...

  4. Harry : I don't know. I didn't see his face. Barty Crouch : Chinese Fireball! Ooooo! Barty Crouch : After due consideration, the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety, no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament. This decision is final.

  5. Bartemiusz „BartyCrouch Junior (ur. 1962 r., zm. 24 czerwca 1995 r.) — czarodziej czystej krwi, będący sprzymierzeńcem Lorda Voldemorta oraz synem Bartemiusza Croucha Sr. Został oskarżony i skazany za torturowanie i doprowadzenie do szaleństwa Alicji i Franka Longbottomów. Przebywał w Azkabanie przez rok. Po tym czasie jego ojciec, z powodu ostatniej woli matki Croucha Juniora ...

  6. Bartemius „BartyCrouch jr. ist ein milchgesichtiger, junger Zauberer mit strohblonden Haaren, Sommersprossen und hervorragenden magischen Fähigkeiten. Er ist der Sohn von Bartemius Crouch sr., einer leitenden Autorität des Britischen Zaubereimiisteriums. Allgemein wird angenommen, dass sein ehrgeiziger Vater sich nur um seine eigene berufliche Karriere kümmert und seinen Sohn ...

  7. Bartolomeu "Bartô" Crouch Júnior (1962 - 1996) foi um bruxo puro-sangue e filho de Bartolomeu Crouch Sr. Ele deixou a escola na altura da Primeira Guerra Bruxa e juntou-se Lord Voldemort para se tornar um Comensal da Morte. Em sua juventude, Bartô foi descrito como sendo um jovem pálido, com cabelos e sardas cor de palha. Em seus trinta anos, ele ainda tinha a pele levemente sardenta ...