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  1. 26 de jun. de 2023 · 2-2.既存の origin を変更する. もし origin として指定しようとしているリモートリポジトリを変更したい場合は、既存の origin を変更することもできます。. 以下のコマンドを使用して、既存の origin を変更します。. これでgit remote add のエラーを解決できるはず ...

  2. 28 de sept. de 2020 · It’s usually because you cloned a remote repository that already has a remote origin URL configured. But that’s not how Git works. The quick fix is to replace add origin with set-url origin.. However you might want to learn something while you’re here, so read on.

  3. 29 de dic. de 2021 · The solution is to update the URL of the remote repository with the name “origin” to the URL of the remote repository you want to add, instead of trying to create a new remote repository with that name.

  4. git显然也不能直接帮你进行”喜新厌旧“直接把以前添加的远程仓库给弃了,所以如果你不需要以前添加的仓库就直接删了(方法一和方法二),如果你还得保留以前添加的远程仓库,那你得换个名字添加远程仓库(方法三). >>>git remote add origin ...

  5. 25 de sept. de 2014 · 29/09/2014. Olavo, isso provavelmente está acontecendo porque você já rodou a primeira linha outra vez. Se você executar o comando git remote deve aparecer origin, indicando que esse repositório remoto, no Github, já foi configurado.. Se for esse mesmo o caso, basta usá-lo, ou seja, pode pular essa primeira linha e partir direto pro

  6. 28 de mar. de 2024 · 3. Add the new online repository as the correct origin remote. 4. Push your code to the new origin. If, for some reason, you skip step #2, that will cause Git to display the "remote origin already exists" message. So a possible solution here would be simply removing the existing remote: git remote remove origin.

  7. 23 de sept. de 2021 · Another reason is trying to change the URL of the “originremote repository using the git remote add command. The remote add command will attempt to create a new link between the local and the remote repo, and it will create the “fatal: remote origin already exists error” if there is an existing configuration.