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  1. Raoul Dufy. Dufy nace en El Havre en 1877 y muy temprano se manifiestan su afición y sus dotes para la pintura. A los dieciocho años de edad ingresa en la École des Beaux-Arts de Le Havre, donde conoce a Othon Friesz. Por esa época le influyen los «artistas de la modernidad». Entre 1895 y 1898 pinta paisajes y escenas de género al estilo ...

  2. Raoul Dufy was a French painter and designer noted for his brightly coloured and highly decorative scenes of luxury and pleasure. In 1900 Dufy went to Paris to attend the École des Beaux-Arts. He painted in an Impressionist style in his early work, but by 1905 he had begun to employ the broad

  3. Raoul Dufy. Dufy was born in Le Havre in 1877. His interest in and disposition towards painting established themselves very soon. At the age of eighteen he enrolled at the École des Beaux-Arts of Le Havre where he met Othon Friesz. Initially he was influenced by the "artists of modernity". Between 1895 and 1898 he painted landscapes and genre ...

  4. Dufy's unique interpretation of Fauvism, which he adopted after 1905, was to marry the movement's avant-garde formal principles with a decorative aesthetic. His use of spontaneous, expressive lines and intense, non-naturalistic color can be seen in his many pleasure-filled images of regattas, horse racing, and outdoor leisure activities in France.

  5. La vie et l'œuvre de Raoul Dufy, grand peintre français du vingtième siècle qui fut aussi graveur, illustrateur de livres, créateur de mode, décorateur, céramiste, créateur de tapisseries, de décors et costumes de théatre. Né au Havre en 1877, il a fini sa vie à Forcalquier (Alpes de Haute Provence - France) en 1953 et le cinquantenaire de sa disparition est une célébration ...

  6. Raoul Dufy (nome completo Raoul Ernest Joseph) (Le Havre, 3 de junho de 1877 - Forcalquier, 23 de março de 1953) foi um pintor, desenhista, gravador, ilustrador de livros, ceramista, ilustrador de tecidos, de tapeçarias e de móveis, decorador de interiores, espaços públicos e teatro francês. Impressionista a princípio, evoluiu ...

  7. Raoul Dufy. Peintre Nationalité française. Naissance : 1877, Le Havre (Seine-Maritime, France) Décès : 1953, Forcalquier (Alpes-de-Haute Provence, France)

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