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  1. Julius Streicher, född 12 februari 1885 i Fleinhausen i Dinkelscherben, Bayern, död 16 oktober 1946 i Nürnberg, var en tysk nazistisk politiker. Han var grundare och utgivare av den starkt antisemitiska tidningen Der Stürmer. Från 1929 till 1940 var Streicher Gauleiter i Gau Franken.

  2. Trained as an elementary school teacher, Julius Streicher (1885–1946) was an early member of the Nazi Party. In 1923, he founded the virulently antisemitic and racist newspaper, Der Stürmer.Streicher was a leading organizer of Nazi Germany's first official nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses in April 1933. Although Streicher had lost credibility in party circles by 1940, he continued to ...

  3. Julius Streicher (Fleinhausen, 12 febbraio 1885 – Norimberga, 16 ottobre 1946) è stato un politico e criminale di guerra tedesco, alto dirigente del Partito Nazionalsocialista Tedesco dei Lavoratori, editore del settimanale violentemente antisemita Der Stürmer, e Gauleiter di Franconia dal 1925 al 1940.

  4. Defendant Julius Streicher in his prison cell at Nuremberg. For his influential role in inciting hatred and violence, the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg indicated Streicher on count four, crimes against humanity. Streicher was found guilty and sentenced to death. He was hanged on October 16, 1946.

  5. Julius Streicher (født 12. februar 1885, død 16. oktober 1946) var en tysk, nazistisk politiker og førende antisemit. Streicher udmærkede sig som løjtnant af reserven under 1. verdenskrig. Han blev straks efter krigen medlem af antisemitiske organisationer og tilsluttede sig snart det nationalsocialistiske parti under Adolf Hitler.

  6. Nuremberg Trial Defendants: Julius Streicher. Through his words and his deeds Julius Streicher assumed for himself the unofficial title of "Jew-baiter Number One" of Nazi Germany. For the course of some twenty-five years, Streicher educated the German people in hatred and incited them to the persecution and to the extermination of the Jewish race.

  7. Julius Streicher (1885-1946) was a German Nazi party member, political leader and propagandist. He is best known as the publisher of Der Sturmer, one of Nazi Germany’s most anti-Semitic newspapers.Though Streicher did not participate directly in the mass killing of Jews, his propaganda certainly contributed to the environment in which it could be carried out.