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  1. Larry Gopnik, a Midwestern physics teacher, watches his life unravel over multiple sudden incidents. Though seeking meaning and answers amidst his turmoils, he seems to keep sinking. Bloomington, Minnesota, 1967: Jewish physics lecturer Larry Gopnik is a serious and a very put-upon man. His daughter is stealing from him to save up for a nose ...

  2. A Serious Man Comedy 2009 1 hr 45 min Cinemax Available on Cinemax, Prime Video, Hulu, Max An adulterous wife and a burdensome brother are among the problems that send a 1960s college professor to seek help from three different rabbis. Comedy 2009 1 hr 45 min ...

  3. Academy Award-winning directors Joel and Ethan Coen return to their comedy roots with this original and darkly humorous story about one ordinary man's quest to become a serious man. Physics professor Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) can't believe his life: His wife is leaving him for his best friend, his unemployed brother won't move off the couch, someone is threatening his career, his kids ...

  4. Academy Award-winning directors Joel and Ethan Coen return to their comedy roots with this original and darkly humorous story about one ordinary man's quest ...

  5. Academy Award-winning directors Joel and Ethan Coen return to their comedy roots with this original and darkly humorous story about one ordinary man's quest to become a serious man. Physics professor Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg) can't believe his life: His wife is leaving him for his best friend, his unemployed brother won't move off the couch, someone is threatening his career, his kids ...

  6. TIFF 09: "A Serious Man" (Joel Coen & Ethan Coen, USA) Daniel Kasman 11 Sep 2009 8. The story of an ordinary man’s search for clarity when his life begins to come apart at the seams. Struggling for equilibrium, he seeks advice from three different rabbis. Can anyone help him cope with his afflictions and become a righteous person, a mensch, a ...

  7. 『シリアスマン』(原題: A Serious Man)は、コーエン兄弟製作・監督・脚本による2009年のアメリカのコメディ映画。第82回アカデミー賞の作品賞及び脚本賞にノミネートされた。 日本では「監督主義プロジェクト」の第2弾として2011年2月26日に公開した。