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  1. Henri Pescarolo (born 25 Sep 1942 Montfermeil, nr. Paris). Involved with ELF - now as a young driver tutor and mentor. Continued racing until around 2005, then concentrated on his successful, title-winning endurance team recently. Since 2010, finance has caused a number of hiatuses from the sport, and the team was liquidated in 2013. Henri remains in the sport as a consultant, but is also a ...

  2. Henri Pescarolo è anche un appassionato pilota di aerei ed elicotteri (ha anche dato alle stampe il volume Elicotteri per Magnus). Ai comandi di un biplano Pitts Special si è esibito in numerose manifestazioni di volo acrobatico. L'attività di costruttore

  3. 6 de dic. de 2018 · As Henri Pescarolo's last win at the 24 Hours of Le Mans dates back 34 years, this handprint pays tribute to the outstanding career of a motorsport legend. If there is an anniversary for Henri Pescarolo to celebrate in 2018, it has to be for the exploit that made him a legend.

  4. Henri Pescarolo returned to team ownership for a brief period in 2011-12 under the name Pescarolo Team. Perdono announced plans in 2017 for one-make series with a Chevrolet-powered prototype ...

  5. Henri Jacques William Pescarolo (Francuska, 25. rujna 1942.) je bivši francuski vozač automobilističkih utrka. Utrku 24 sata Le Mansa je osvajao četiri puta, 1972. s Grahamom Hillom kao suvozačem, 1973. i 1974. s Gérardom Larrousseom i 1984. s Klausom Ludwigom.

  6. 16 de jun. de 2022 · Here is the Le Mans 1972 winner Matra Simca MS670C driven by Henri Pescarolo and the winning Car from 1974 driven by Gérard Larrousse at the Matra Demonstrat...

  7. Henri Pescarolo (Párizs, 1942. szeptember 25. –) francia autóversenyző, volt Formula–1-es pilóta, négyszeres Le-Mans-i 24 órás futamgyőztes. 64 Formula–1-es versenyen indult, bemutatkozása 1968. szeptember 22-én volt. Egy dobogós helyezést ért el, összesen 12 bajnoki pontot szerzett.