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  1. Marie Taglioni (April 23, 1804 – April 24, 1884) was a famous Italian ballerina of the Romantic ballet era, a central figure in the history of European dance. Despite the fact that she was not a great beauty, her combination of strength and delicacy brought her fame and great acclaim as a dancer. In 1822, Taglioni made her debut in Vienna.

  2. Marie Taglioni, som anses vara den romantiska balettens främsta ballerina, debuterade 1822 och fick sitt stora genombrott i faderns balett Sylfiden 1832. Sylfiden skapades för att visa upp Marie Taglionis talang, bland annat inom en pointe -dans. Taglioni lämnade Paris operabalett 1837 för en treårsanställning vid Mariinskijbaletten i ...

  3. Marie Taglioni effectue ensuite une tournée en Allemagne, avant de revenir à l'Opéra de Paris, où elle restera de 1828 à 1837. Elle y danse : La Belle au bois dormant, Psyché, Le Dieu et la bayadère, avant de paraître aux côtés de son frère Paul, dans La Sylphide, le 12 mars 1832 (musique : Schneitzhoeffer ; chorégraphie : P. Taglioni ; décor : P. L. C. Ciceri ; costumes : Lami).

  4. Le présent article explore la reconversion professionnelle de Marie Taglioni, vedette du ballet romantique de la Monarchie de Juillet devenue pédagogue et chorégraphe à l’Opéra de Paris sous le Second Empire. L’examen des sources montre le rôle joué par ses parents dans sa formation à la composition chorégraphique dans un contexte de féminisation de la danse théâtrale ...

  5. 12 de ene. de 2017 · The Taglioni family founded by Carlo and his wife, Maria, in the late 1700’s was a well-known dancing family. Two of his sons, Filippo, whose wife was Swedish, and Salvatore, became choreographers. Filippo had two children, Marie and Paul. After her unfortunate rejection by her Parisian teacher, Filippo decided to train his young daughter ...

  6. Biografia. Nata Mariana Sophie Taglioni, proveniente da una dinastia di danzatori (anche il fratello Paul fu eminente ballerino) e figlia di un padre coreografo, Marie studiò danza a Parigi con Jean-François Coulon e la madre Sophie Karsten, finché il padre, Filippo Taglioni, non prese personalmente la direzione della sua formazione, imponendole un duro allenamento di sei mesi dagli ...

  7. Marie Taglioni is a woman of even temper, unruffled, whatever the circumstances, full of kindliness, gentle and calm, giving way to no tantrums or fits of “temperament.” Intrigue is unknown to her. She speaks no ill of anyone, is just and impartial, even ...