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  1. i Program Overview. The guitar program is the foundation of Musicians Institute. In 1977, the Guitar Institute of Technology was founded as the first school to teach contemporary music. With the addition of multiple instruments over the years, GIT became known as the Musicians Institute, but the passion for the guitar has remained.

  2. 美国MI现代音乐学院(MI College of Contemporary Music,简称MI)又名“音乐家学院”(Musicians Institute),位于美国加州洛杉矶,是好莱坞星光大道上唯一一所高校。创建于1977年,在音乐界享有很高的荣誉,是美国著名的音乐教育中心。这座流行音乐界的殿堂级学府,以其悠久的历史,独特的教育风格 ...

  3. The guitar program is the foundation of Musicians Institute. In 1977, the Guitar Institute of Technology was founded as the first school to teach contemporary music. With the addition of multiple instruments over the years, GIT became known as the Musicians Institute, but the passion for the guitar has remained.

  4. 20 de abr. de 2024 · 전신은 기타를 전문으로 하는 The Guitar Institute of Technology(GIT)로 재즈 기타리스트인 하워드 로버츠(Howard Roberts)와 사업가 팻 힉스(Pat Hicks)가 1977년에 설립하였다. 그 후 학과가 확대되어 드럼 전문의 Percussion Institute of Technology(PIT)와 베이스 기타 전문의 Bass Institute of Technology(BIT)가 설치되며 1994년에 미국 ...

  5. 1977年にコンテンポラリーミュージックの学校として開校したMIMusicians Institute)は、これまで多くのワールドクラスのミュージシャンを輩出するなど、アメリカでもパイオニア的な存在として確固たる地位を築いてきました。1995年にはその正式な日本分校として国内各都市にて音楽学校を設立 ...

  6. Musicians Institute is proud to feature a variety of guitar and bass amplifiers, including Fender, Line-6, Ignator, PRS and Angle as well as Carvin and QSC P.A. systems, and Audix microphones in all of its live performance facilities. Workstation-based audio labs feature an array of industry-standard recording software and outboard gear.

  7. Musicians Institute is renowned for its innovative and forward-thinking approach to music education. Unlike other Bachelor of Music programs, Musicians Institute’s curriculum includes in-depth study of both traditional and contemporary techniques relating to performance, songwriting, composition, and songwriting and production.