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  1. Bernard Fowler habla sobre Michael Hutchence. Bernard Fowler el cantante y compositor americano que ha sacado su primer disco en solitario y conocido principalmente por ser colaborador como cantante de The Rolling Stones, aprovechando su visita la semana pasada a Argentina, tuvo la oportunidad de charlar con 10 música. Podéis ver el video aquí.

  2. Michael Hutchence wurde zum Inbegriff der Definition eines in Leder gekleideten, sexuell anziehenden Rock-Frontmannes, ... Das neue Album des Rolling Stones Background-Sängers Bernard Fowler! Bernard Fowlers Talent als Sänger, Songwriter, Produzent und Instrumentalist haben seine außergewöhnliche Karriere in der Musikbranche ...

  3. Following an extensive, two-year Seven News investigation spanning four continents and five countries, hidden bank vaults housing Michael’s prized treasures are unlocked; his diary is opened; his final lyrics, recorded but never released, can finally be played; and for the for the first time intensely private photographs and family videos, Michael’s haunting last message, hand-written in ...

  4. Bernard Fowler (fødd 2. januar 1960) er ein USA-amerikansk musikar.Han er mest kjend for eit langvarig samarbeid med The Rolling Stones, og har sunge korvokal for dei sidan 1989 både på studioinnspelinga og konsertar. Fowler har òg gjeve ut to soloalbum, og han har vore korvokalist for ei rekkje andre musikarar. Fowler har turnert og spelt inn musikk med gruppene Tackhead og Bad Dog, og ...

  5. 6 de oct. de 2017 · It was while he was in Los Angeles that he ran into Rolling Stones back-up singer Bernard Fowler, who invited Hutchence to jam with an all-star line-up of musicians at The Viper Room.

  6. 29 de jun. de 2015 · When Michael was in LA I put a little show together with my friend Bernard Fowler who is the backing singer in the Stones. We did a show at the Viper Room, it was an allstar band gig.

  7. 8 de jul. de 2015 · It would turn out to be Michael’s last ever live performance and the song he did was a David Bowie song. “We did a show at the Viper Room, Me and Bernard (Fowler). It was kind of an all-star ...