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  1. 桐朋学園大学(とうほうがくえんだいがく)の公式ホームページです。建学の精神に以下の3点を掲げています。自由で豊かな感性を持つ個性ある音楽家の育成/音楽教育による社会貢献/世界における音楽文化の創造/2017年4月には大学院音楽研究科を設置しました。

  2. 11 de ene. de 2016 · Japanese architecture studio Nikken Sekkei designed a concrete campus lined with oak wood to house Tokyo’s Toho Gakuen School of Music. Guided by the imperative of acoustic quality, the building is far removed from traditional campus design, with common areas built to encourage students to practice in a lively, communal setting. In the basement, independent […]

  3. 全問正解者は先着で図書館オリジナルグッズがもらえます!. 新年度のナクソス・RILM利用について. 「ナクソス・ミュージック・ライブラリー」「ナクソス・ビデオ・ライブラリー」「RILM Abstracts of Music Literature with Full Text」について、音楽部門の利用対象者 ...

  4. Piano course. The goal of the Piano Course is to help students not merely to hone their technical skills, but to develop their own style of music that speaks directly to the hearts of the audience. Our large and very experienced teaching staff provide meticulous guidance on a one-to-one basis.

  5. Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music is a Tokyo-based two-year college which was established in 1964. The college now offers two courses of study: Drama and Music. Inquiry 1-41-1 Wakaba-cho, Chofu, Tokyo 182-8510,JAPAN Fax +81-3-3300-4253. Tel +81-3-3300-2111. E-mail. info ...

  6. Find the latest world rank for Toho Gakuen School of Music and key information for prospective students..

  7. school outline. The Music School for Children, established in 1948, was the starting point for the foundation of the Toho Gakuen School of Music. Today, the importance of early music education has become clearer than ever before. In Japan's postwar history, the Music School for Children was the pioneer in this field.