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  1. Hace 5 horas · L'idéal est, bien sûr, de s'entraîner tous les jours. Mais vous obtiendrez d'excellents résultats en venant 2 à 3 fois par semaine sur MyCOW pour lire 2 à 3 articles à chaque fois. Pour aller plus loin Un sujet vous a plu ? Créez un document sur votre ordinateur, et notez-y le vocabulaire qui vous est utile.

  2. Hace 5 horas · Profitez de la lecture automatique avec accent avec un abonnement. 'It's too much': Spain's Balearic Isles battle overtourism.Binibeca Vell (Spain) (AFP) - Every year, nearly 800,000 tourists wander through the alleys of Binibeca Vell, a tiny whitewashed village nicknamed "the Spanish Mykonos" for its resemblance to the famous Greek island ...

  3. Hace 1 día · 아래 포스팅은 '윈도우 메모장은 왜 불편하게 [위로] or [아래로]만 검색/바꾸기가 되고 전체 검색은 안 되는 거야'라는 의문을 가졌던 적이 있는 분들을 위한 포스팅입니다. 아울러 영어 용어 몇 개 알아봅니다. 여러분은 윈도우 메모장 사용하시나요? 메모장은 MS-Word나 한글같이 무겁지 않아, 저는 ...

  4. Hace 5 horas · Hi everyone, I’m new on this forum and hope I am doing things the right way. Over the last few years I have been frustrated , I mean really angry at times, with the behaviour of image insertion in LIbreoffice. I just want to insert three images of screen captures and when I get to the third, it settles onto the second. If I move it downwards it jumps to the bottom of the page, even outside ...

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